


International Festival of Shanty Choirs

Seemannschor THETIS CREW

Liebe Sasa
Nach unserem unvergesslich schönen Aufenthalt in Prag sind wir am Sonntagabend wieder gut in der Schweiz angekommen. Mit Ihnen und Erika war unser Aufenthalt mit all den Besichtigungen und Anlässen bestens organisiert und dafür danken wir nochmals ganz herzlich.

Noch einmal liebe Grüsse an Sie und Erika
Seemannschor THETIS CREW
Karl Schönenberger, Steuermann

Cape Horn Shanty Choir

Dear Jana and Sasa!
Safely home again in Bergen we would like again to thank you for the work you have done to make our stay in Praha so successful. The whole group enjoyed it very much. The choir has been on many shanty festivals, but this one was surely one of the best. Best regards

Arne Johannessen
Cape Horn Shanty Choir



Everyone was so - so pleased with our tour to Prague, and aspecially the help you gave us, that was up and above all expectations. Every one in Shantykoret are still very exited about it all, - aspecially how well we were treated by your people. --- mostly thanks to you Andrea, and we were wery tuched, that you helped us so much extra with the young people you got to help us lugging our equipment around, that was up and above regular hospitalety, - a big HURRAY for your people Andrea, we are so greatfull. - And if anyone ask, I will recomend you 100% every time, you were great!!! --- Big hugs to all of you in your staff. --- And who knows, maby we will se you some time again.

Freek Vriens, SHANTYKOOR DE IJSSELMANNEN, The Netherlands,

We received the invitation in 2007 to come to the Shantyfest 2008 at Prague. After a short discussion we decided to examine the possibilities. The contacts with the organising company Bohemia Ticket were from the beginning on, excellent. A frequent e-mail communication made it simple to take a positive decision. "Yes, we are going to Prague". Our captain and his programme manager went, in advance, two days to Prague to discuss all our wishes and to look at the hotel accomodation.
The contacts with the managing director Mr. Bedrich Plechac and the event manager Miss Andrea Plechacova were perfect. In a short time we had a group of 101 participants, 58 choirmembers and 43 wives. Bohemia Ticket organized for us a special daytour to the Nizbor Glass factory and Karlstejn´s castle and later on, an unforgettable folklore evening.
The Shantyfest 2008 was one of a high level. Good performance-places, a mixture of shantysongs and guided excursions to historical places and all in a great atmosphere and with professional organization. Together with 7 other shantychoirs, we spent 3 fanstastic days around the famous river Moldau. If you want to have a very special shantyfestival: go to Prague!!! It was good to be there.

Shantykoor Vlaardingen

Sehr geehrte Frau Košlerová,
ich bedanke mich noch einmal bei Ihnen für die gute Betreuung in Prag, vor allem bei „unserer“ Stadtführerin Frau Erika Kavkova. Uns hat es allen Chormitgliedern (plus Anhang) in Prag sehr gut gefallen. Alle erlebten Eindrücke müssen von uns nun verarbeitet werden. Das Wetter hat doch auch mitgespielt.

Danke für die schöne Zeit in Prag.

Mit maritimen Grüßen
Shanty-Chor „Windrose“ Hamburg
Willi Kanzmeier